

Mobile Content Service

Our Global Mobile Content Service constantly changes the way people interact with the weather. Because the mobile phone is the world's most "personal" media device, it is only natural that the weather information provided can be tailored to suit the needs of the individual no matter when or where. For Weathernews, it's all about transforming weather information into a service which both matches the needs of the individual and exceeds their expectations.

Aviation Industry Content Service

From large commercial jetliners to helicopters, weather is a critical element which needs to be addressed at the operational level. Our SKY Service helps airlines improve their operations, including; flight planning, pilot briefings, and flight monitoring, which considers the weather risk at the time of flight plan creation. These SKY services cover passenger and cargo transportation, fire-fighting, disaster prevention, crop dusting, and aviation photography.

Voyage Planning: Total Fleet Management Content Service

For over 50 years Weathernews has been the leader in providing risk communications services to the international shipping business and the marine industry. Weathernews currently supports international shipping companies from 12 countries with safe and efficient weather routing. Our track record and continued focus on developing new services ensures that Weathernews will continue to be the leading provider of weather services to the marine transportation industry along the concept of Total Fleet Management Service.

Osean & Off-Shore Content Service

We provide companies carrying out sea- and coastal-based work projects with powerful support to ensure that work is done safely and efficiently. Our precise information targets specified sea areas and route areas, while our RC Service (Risk Communication Service: a consulting service for weather and hydrographic conditions) is tailored to each operational phase. Our coverage is not limited to the seas around Japan, but extends to worldwide areas such as the Chinese continental shelf, Southeast Asia, the North Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Sakhalin coast.

Shop Management Content Service

With the rapid advance in information technology, retailers can get information about the sales results for each product and the number of customers at the stores by using the sales data from POS system. Our advanced service, can be customized for customers, to help analyze the correlation between the seasonal fluctuations of the temperature and product sales. Understanding this relationship allows retailers to improve their ordering system and better manage product inventory. This service, which has been introduced in the major convenient stores and many GMS (General Merchandise Store), is broadly expanding to the various industries such as clothing, food, drug stores, and many others.

Media Content Service

Weathernews employs several different types of media to provide real-time weather information and weather-related lifestyle information to consumers that we like to think of as our "supporters" (whether individuals or the population at large). Weathernews is a vertically-integrated content provider that handles all the work involved in planning, producing and distributing content. Our supporters can access content through any of the several different media (the "channels" through which content is distributed). The management and operation of Weathernews content is based on a "trans-media" approach that lets our supporters receive content through the most convenient medium for them. "For the supporters, with the supporters" is the concept we use to describe our basic philosophy––which is bringing weather content to our supporters via our own media channels 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Road Management Content Service

Our road management support service provides road managers and road-maintenance companies working for national and local governments with snow, ice and other crucial weather information, to help ensure road safety and efficient snow/ice clearing and plowing.

Disaster Prevention Content Service

It is a fact that weather-induced natural disasters cause incalculable cost not only to our daily lives but also to our country's infrastructure and business activities. Weathernews has developed a base set of solutions called DIMINISH which contribute to reducing the impact of natural disaster to people. By providing accurate and timely weather analysis to public agencies, organizations or corporate entities involved in disaster relief or prevention, Weathernews can significantly improve the quality of information required. Our service helps in both the preventive and the relief decision_making process which is vital when weather_induced natural disasters occur.

Railway Operation Content Service

Weather information (both current conditions and forecasts) and accompanying disaster information for train routes and the surrounding areas is important for railway companies. To ensure safety and service punctuality, railway companies need a reliable source of information that is more detailed than that obtained from regular radio or TV weather forecasts, including information on weather changes along train routes and the latest information on weather conditions. R Service provides weather-related support for disaster response, line-maintenance work, transport control, and all of the many different operations performed by railway companies. The service is designed to help ensure optimum transport and line-maintenance operations.

Travel Content Service

Weather is fundamental to the travel and recreational industry. Millions can be lost in the holiday season if the weather does not perform so it pays to plan ahead.
Client safety and comfort is the basis for a good travel experience. Accurate and reliable weather forecast information provides the knowledge needed to ensure that clients are kept happy.
Weathernews provides comprehensive assistance to businesses in the travel and recreational industries, thus helping them to bring about the highest level of safety, comfort, and enjoyment.

Sport Content Service

Weather can have a profound effect on a sporting event. The proper use of weather can even help determine who wins or looses the game.
Sporting events are fun. But care must be taken to make sure they don’t turn into disaster as the result of a change in weather. In some situations rain, wind, snow or lightning can suddenly plunge what should be an enjoyable sporting event into a dangerous situation. Weathernews can help mitigate this risk with accurate forecasts tailored to your sporting needs.

Dynamic Weather Content Service

Weathernews' expertise is in helping business to better understand the economic impact of the weather, and providing information, analysis and services to help mitigate weather risk. Weathernews can help you identify and analyze the impact of weather risk through an in-depth analysis of weather trends as well as forecasting services.
We can help your business learn from the past, manage the present and plan for the future.

Electricity Industry Content Service

By providing accurate weather forecasts Weathernews can help clients supply safe and economical energy supply.
Energy demand varies greatly due to seasonal and daily weather variations. Weathernews can help predict when abnormal weather conditions will produce strain on power supplies. Weathernews forecasts can also be used to minimise downtime due to damaged power lines or pipelines allowing you to have response teams ready to restore services as quickly as possible.

Factory Operation Management Content Service

Weather conditions can present major concerns for both operators and managers of plant operations.To ensure a safe and productive factory management environment ‘decision makers’ need to have the best weather information available.Weathernews just doesn’t provide a weather forecast.Weathernews provides a forecast which integrates with your factory requirements to ensure that you can plan ahead and minimize the affects that adverse weather can have on your business.

Health Weather Content Service

Weathernews analyses primary and secondary weather events that can lead to health issues.This is achieved by monitoring and observing individuals whose health is affected by sudden changes in the weather around them. Individuals report their conditions and findings are considered.The ‘health awareness weather system’ is then shared with our 1.3 million mobile subscribers.

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