
Past Press Release

December 22, 2003

Weathernews Makes Full-Scale Entry into U.S. Weather Information Services Market for Mobile Phones _ Serving three major mobile carriers--Verizon Wireless, AT&T Wireless and Sprint PCS _

The world's largest private weather information company, Weathernews Inc., the world's full-service weather company, is making a full-scale entry into the weather service market for mobile phones in the United States with the start of weather-content services for the leading US mobile phone carrier Sprint PCS. Weathernews has been providing weather information services for mobile phones to AT&T Wireless since August and Verizon Wireless since October, and the commencement of services to Sprint PCS now brings the number of major US mobile carriers served by the company to three. Operations in the US are overseen by the wholly-owned subsidiary Weathernews Americas Inc. (San Francisco, CA; CEO: Jeremy Usher).

Weathernews' service on Sprint PCS VisionSM will allow browsing of weather conditions, weekly forecasts, weather radar and warnings for around 60,000 locations, both within and outside the United States via a mobile phone, the same service that is already being provided to AT&T Wireless and Verizon Wireless. It is also possible to check on weather conditions at popular tourist spots and flight delays, and therefore a large number of users are anticipated in the run-up to the Christmas season, America's biggest holiday period.

In addition to this, Verizon Wireless users are offered the Weathernews' Wake Up With Weather™ service. With this service, the mobile phone is activated automatically at a designated wake-up time and announces the day's forecast with music suited to the weather. A function is also available for rainy or snowy days, when the user can choose to have the alarm turn itself on slightly earlier than usual. Weathernews plans to extend this application in the future to AT&T Wireless and Sprint PCS.

Weather information services for mobile phones in the United States are primarily minimal applications consisting of text and simple illustrations. Weathernews differs from others in that it provides a more practical weather information service. The company offers a complete range of weather-related functions and information for daily life, utilizing an abundance of easily-recognizable graphics, such as photographs of each major city that change according to the general weather conditions and radar images that clearly identify areas of rainfall. Usage fees in the United States are $3.49 a month for Sprint PCS and $2.99 a month for both AT&T Wireless and Verizon Wireless.

Up to now, Weathernews in the U.S. has focused on its corporate weather service targeting marine vessels and aircraft. By commencing services for mobile phones, the company is looking to expand its individual-based services.

Centered in Japan, with a number of paid subscribers close to one million, Weathernews is now delivering weather forecast services for mobile phones in thirteen countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, South Korea, Portugal, and Australia. The company plans to gradually extend the scope of its service to Italy, France, and other countries throughout the world.

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